Should I Spend Time Working Out My Vision or Jump Right into Action and Behaviour?

In the quest for success and personal fulfilment, one common dilemma many individuals face is whether to meticulously craft their vision before taking action or to leap into action immediately. It's a question that has left many pondering their approach to achieving their goals. In this article, we will explore the merits of both approaches and guide you towards making a thoughtful decision in your journey to success.

The Power of a Well-Defined Vision

Setting the Destination

Think of your life as a grand expedition. Without a clear destination, how would you choose your path? A well-defined vision serves as the beacon guiding you towards your desired future. It paints a vivid picture of what success looks like for you, be it in your personal or professional life.

Imagine wanting to build a successful career in a specific field. Without a vision, you might find yourself taking random jobs, moving from one opportunity to another without a sense of purpose. But, with a well-thought-out vision, you can identify the precise steps needed to reach your chosen destination.

Motivation and Inspiration

A clear vision is the fuel that ignites your motivation and inspiration. It provides a reason to wake up each morning with enthusiasm, as you have a purpose that excites you. Your vision becomes the driving force behind your actions, infusing them with purpose and determination.

For example, consider an aspiring entrepreneur who envisions revolutionising the way people access healthcare. This compelling vision fuels their passion, driving them to tirelessly work towards their goals, even when faced with challenges.

Prioritisation and Focus

A well-crafted vision acts as a filter, helping you sift through various opportunities and distractions. It aids in prioritising your efforts, ensuring that each action you take aligns with your overarching goals. Without a clear vision, you might find yourself scattering your time and energy across multiple pursuits without making significant progress in any of them.

Take the case of an artist who dreams of establishing an art gallery showcasing their work. With a clear vision in mind, they can focus on creating exceptional art and building connections in the art community, rather than being sidetracked by unrelated endeavours.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Setbacks and challenges are an inevitable part of any journey towards success. However, a well-defined vision can serve as a source of resilience. It reminds you of your ultimate goal and gives you the strength to persevere, even when the road becomes rocky.

Imagine an individual striving to become a professional athlete. Along the way, they may face injuries, defeats, and moments of self-doubt. Yet, their unwavering vision of competing at the highest level keeps them going, pushing them to recover, train harder, and overcome adversity.

When Jumping into Action is the Key

Overcoming Paralysis by Analysis

While a clear vision is undeniably valuable, some individuals tend to overanalyse and overplan, often leading to inaction. This phenomenon, known as "analysis paralysis," can be a significant barrier to progress. In such cases, taking immediate action, even with an imperfect vision, can break the cycle of overthinking and lead to meaningful results.

For example, think of someone who aspires to start their own business. They might spend months or even years refining their business plan, seeking perfection. However, taking the leap and initiating the business, even with a less-than-ideal plan, can provide invaluable real-world insights and propel them forward.

Learning Through Experience

Sometimes, the best way to clarify your vision is through direct experience. Immersing yourself in action can help you discover your true passions, strengths, and weaknesses. These insights can then inform and refine your vision as you progress.

Imagine someone considering a career change but uncertain about their ideal path. Instead of endlessly researching and soul-searching, they decide to volunteer or intern in various roles within their area of interest. Through these experiences, they gain a deeper understanding of what truly resonates with them and can subsequently refine their vision.

Adaptation to Changing Circumstances

In today's fast-paced world, circumstances can change rapidly. A vision crafted in meticulous detail may become obsolete as new opportunities or challenges arise. In such dynamic environments, the ability to adapt and pivot quickly is a valuable asset.

Consider an individual who plans to enter the technology industry with a specific product in mind. However, market trends may shift, or emerging technologies may present unforeseen opportunities. In this scenario, the flexibility to adjust their vision and embrace new possibilities can be more advantageous than sticking rigidly to an initial plan.

Building Momentum and Confidence

Taking immediate action can generate momentum and build confidence. Small successes achieved through action can provide a sense of achievement and validate your chosen path. These early wins can be a driving force, fuelling your determination to pursue your vision further.

For instance, someone aspiring to become a published author may begin by writing short stories or blog posts. Each piece completed and shared with an audience boosts their confidence and motivates them to work on larger projects, ultimately aligning with their overarching vision of publishing a novel.

Striking a Balance Between Vision and Action

While the debate between crafting a clear vision and jumping into action rages on, the truth lies in finding a harmonious balance between the two. Here's how to strike that equilibrium:

Begin with a Vision

Start by outlining a broad vision of your desired future. What are your long-term goals and aspirations? What does success look like to you? This vision provides the overarching framework that guides your actions.

Set Specific Goals

Break down your vision into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. These goals serve as the stepping stones towards your vision and provide clarity on what actions to take.

Take Action

Don't let the pursuit of perfection hinder your progress. Begin taking action towards your goals, even if your vision is not yet crystal clear. Action generates momentum, builds confidence, and provides invaluable insights that can refine your vision.

Continual Reflection and Adaptation

Regularly revisit your vision and goals. Reflect on your experiences and adjust your vision as necessary based on what you've learned. Adaptation is a sign of growth and resilience.

Seek Feedback

Engage with mentors, peers, or advisors who can provide valuable feedback on your vision and actions. Their perspectives can offer fresh insights and help you refine your path.


In the age-old debate of whether to spend time meticulously crafting a vision or to jump right into action, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The key lies in recognising that both vision and action have their place in the journey towards success.

A well-defined vision provides direction, motivation, and focus, while immediate action generates momentum, builds confidence, and facilitates adaptability. The true power lies in striking a harmonious balance between the two, where your vision informs your actions, and your actions refine your vision.

Ultimately, it's not a matter of choosing one over the other but understanding when to employ each approach to create a path that is uniquely yours, leading to a future brimming with purpose, fulfilment, and success.


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