Sales Coaching

Explore the valuable benefits of sales coaching – where impartial feedback and external accountability can genuinely enhance your skills and confidence, yielding meaningful results.

Strength Profiling

Unveil your strengths through profiling. Gain valuable insights with an objective assessment, empowering you to leverage your abilities for personal and professional growth.

Talent development

Elevate your talents with a personalised coaching program. Actionable insights guide your development journey, transforming potential into meaningful growth and tangible success.

Habit Development Coaching

Cultivate lasting habits with coaching support. Achieve personal growth through tailored guidance, accountability, and sustainable changes that lead to a more fulfilling professional and personal life.

Efficiency Coaching

Enhance your efficiency through dedicated coaching. Streamline your processes, optimise your workflow, and achieve greater productivity with personalised guidance and actionable strategies.

Stress Management

Manage stress and find balance with stress coaching. Gain valuable strategies, support, and personalised guidance to navigate life's challenges and improve your well-being.

Start your growth journey with a free strengths profile now!

You get access to the test platform, where you answer a series of questions. This takes about 15 minutes.

An optional 15 minute debrief, feedback and strategy session with a strengths coach can be scheduled.

Get to know our work and methodology

  • Coaching is a dynamic and collaborative process in which a trained professional, known as a coach, works with individuals or groups to help them clarify goals, overcome challenges, and achieve personal or professional growth. Coaches use active listening, powerful questioning, and feedback to facilitate self-discovery and empower clients to take action. Coaching is client-centred, focusing on the individual's agenda and their own solutions.

    Mentoring, on the other hand, typically involves a more experienced individual (the mentor) guiding and sharing their knowledge with a less experienced person (the mentee). It often includes advice and guidance based on the mentor's own experiences.

    Consulting is a problem-solving approach where an expert (the consultant) provides solutions and recommendations to address specific issues or challenges. Consulting is often directive and focused on delivering expertise to the client.

    In summary, coaching is about helping individuals unlock their potential, while mentoring involves sharing experiences, and consulting provides expert solutions. Coaching is unique in its client-centric approach, promoting self-discovery and personal growth.

  • While self-help books and videos offer valuable insights and knowledge, coaching takes personal development to a deeper level. Reading or watching materials can provide inspiration and awareness, but often, individuals struggle to translate that knowledge into practical action and lasting change.

    Coaching offers a tailored, one-on-one approach that bridges the gap between understanding and implementation. A coach helps you apply what you've learned to your unique circumstances. They provide accountability, support, and guidance, ensuring you stay on track and make consistent progress towards your goals.

    Moreover, coaching dives into the specifics of your challenges and aspirations. It identifies your blind spots, limiting beliefs, and potential obstacles that self-help materials might not address. It's a dynamic process that encourages self-reflection, self-discovery, and transformation. In essence, coaching is the practical application of personal development, making it easier to turn knowledge into meaningful, real-world results.

  • Choosing professional coaching for achieving breakthroughs is a strategic investment in your personal or professional growth.

    Here's why it's essential:

    Professional coaches bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. They have undergone rigorous training and are skilled in various coaching techniques. They can quickly identify patterns, limiting beliefs, and challenges that may be holding you back from your desired breakthroughs.

    Coaches offer a fresh perspective and objectivity. They don't have a vested interest in your choices or outcomes, which allows them to provide honest and unbiased feedback. This objectivity is crucial for pinpointing areas where change and growth are needed.

    Coaches provide accountability and structure. Knowing you have regular coaching sessions encourages you to stay focused and committed to your goals. Coaches help you set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives, ensuring you make steady progress towards your breakthroughs.

    The coaching relationship is built on trust and confidentiality. You can freely discuss your fears, doubts, and aspirations with a coach without judgment. This safe space allows for open exploration and problem-solving.

    Coaches empower you to take ownership of your growth. While they offer guidance and support, the ultimate responsibility for change lies with you. Coaches equip you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to drive your own transformation.

    In summary, professional coaching is a catalyst for breakthroughs because it combines expertise, objectivity, accountability, confidentiality, and empowerment to help you achieve your most significant personal and professional goals.

  • Absolutely, coaching can be the missing link between consuming personal development knowledge and successfully implementing it in your life. Here's how:

    Coaching provides a customised approach. While books and videos offer general advice, coaching tailors strategies to your specific needs and challenges. Your coach works with you to create a plan that aligns with your goals and circumstances.

    It offers accountability. Knowing you have a coaching session scheduled creates a sense of responsibility. Your coach holds you accountable for the actions you commit to, making it more likely that you'll follow through on your intentions.

    Coaching addresses obstacles and resistance. Sometimes, the reasons for not implementing personal development knowledge are deeply rooted in limiting beliefs, fears, or other psychological barriers. Coaches help you identify and overcome these obstacles, clearing the path for successful implementation.

    It provides ongoing support. Books and videos can be one-off sources of inspiration, but coaching offers consistent support and guidance. Your coach is there to help you navigate challenges, adjust strategies, and maintain your commitment to change.

    Coaches encourage self-reflection. Understanding why you struggle to implement personal development principles is essential. Coaches ask probing questions that prompt self-awareness, helping you identify the underlying issues that hinder your progress.

    In essence, coaching takes you beyond theory and into action. It bridges the gap between knowledge and results, helping you put personal development concepts into practice effectively. Whether your goals involve personal growth, career advancement, or improved relationships, coaching can be a powerful tool for achieving them.

  • Coaching sessions are dynamic and focused interactions designed to help you achieve your goals, whether personal or professional. Here's what you can typically expect:

    Active Listening: Your coach will actively listen to you without judgment. They'll give you their full attention to understand your challenges, aspirations, and current circumstances.

    Powerful Questioning: Coaches use thought-provoking questions to encourage self-reflection and explore possibilities. These questions help you gain clarity and generate insights.

    Goal Setting: You and your coach will collaboratively set clear, achievable goals that align with your vision for the future. These goals serve as a roadmap for your coaching journey.

    Action Planning: Together, you'll create actionable steps to work towards your goals. Your coach will help you identify potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.

    Feedback and Insights: Coaches provide feedback and insights based on their observations and assessments. They offer a fresh perspective and highlight blind spots.

    Accountability: You'll be held accountable for the commitments you make during coaching sessions. This accountability helps you stay on track and make consistent progress.

    Support and Encouragement: Your coach is your cheerleader, offering support and encouragement throughout your journey. They celebrate your successes and provide guidance during challenges.

    Personal Growth: Coaching promotes personal growth by helping you uncover your potential, develop new skills, and embrace positive change.

    Confidentiality: Your coaching sessions are confidential, creating a safe space for open and honest discussions.

    Empowerment: Ultimately, coaching empowers you to take ownership of your life and goals. Your coach equips you with the tools and strategies to drive your own success.

    Coaching sessions are tailored to your unique needs and goals, making each session a valuable and transformative experience.

  • Coaching is not limited to addressing specific challenges. While it can certainly help individuals overcome obstacles, it's also a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their life, achieve personal growth, or advance professionally.

  • Determining if coaching is the right choice for you depends on your goals and willingness to commit to the process. Here are some considerations:

    Commitment to Change: If you're committed to making positive changes in your life, coaching can be highly effective. Coaching requires your active participation and a willingness to take action.

    Openness to Feedback: Coaching involves receiving feedback and being open to exploring new perspectives. If you're receptive to constructive feedback, coaching can be beneficial.

    Desire for Growth: If you have aspirations for personal or professional growth, coaching can help you clarify your goals and develop strategies to achieve them.

    Accountability: If you benefit from having someone hold you accountable for your actions and commitments, coaching provides a structured framework for accountability.

    Investment in Yourself: Coaching is an investment in your personal and professional development. If you value investing in yourself and your future, coaching is a worthwhile choice.

    Curiosity and Self-Reflection: If you're curious about your own potential and open to self-reflection, coaching can help you gain deeper insights into yourself and your goals.

    Seeking Support: If you're seeking support, guidance, and a safe space to discuss your challenges and aspirations, coaching offers a supportive and confidential environment.

    Ultimately, coaching is a tool that empowers individuals to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. If you resonate with the above considerations and are eager to take meaningful steps towards your desired outcomes, coaching may be an excellent fit for you.

    💡 You are unique! Nobody in the world has the exact same combination of goals, challenges, etc. You can book a free, no-commitments call or online meeting (10 to 30 minutes) with a coach to discuss where you are at today and where you’d like to be x months into the future. Based on this discussion, we will be able to tell you if and how we can support you. You can then take your time and decide whether you would like to engage in a coaching program or not.

Online Coaching sessions easy to fit into your schedule ⏰ wherever you are 🌍

Our coach app boosts effectiveness between sessions

Coaching is all about making change happen. What happens between the sessions is crucial to the success of your coaching program. Thanks to our app you have direct access to your coach when you feel stuck, need advice or a moral boost to stick to your goals.